Tuesday, March 31, 2009

D-day - 6

I find myself unable to think about anything else but SYF these few days. Not only about the day itself, but also the leading up to it. Meals after band are great fun. Good time to find out if any dirt is being dished onto yourself. So hello to my new blog readers! If you really remembered the link.

Eh, i can sense all the worrying and insecurities in the juniors now. Remember this, it doesn't matter what the results are showing now. Why be so superstitious and create such conspiracy theories for yourself? Isn't the drama of SYF enough already?
It is no coincidence or superstition that helped AHband improve to its current state now. It is yourself. So just play your best and let fate take care of the rest.

Silently, i contemplate what Janice once said.
The music is lost in the competition.
How true sometimes. But i think the competition is always about the competition with yourself, to see how well you can do. Its about the build up. To me, seeing the whole band smile and laugh together has already satisfied the worth of SYF. But none of this will really get processed by the juniors at this time yet i know.

Do i look like a 25 year old? Ok, time to smile more. Think the more worrying thing is being seen as an army regular. Siao la, can imagine being laughed at by the Gryphon specs already.


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